GCC Member News
Welcome to the GCC's Bulletin Board page. Your place for news and announcements from and for GCC members. If you have something for the bulletin board, please email it to info@georgiachiropractic.org or call the GCC office at 678-667-4567.
Dr. Wade Port, of Marietta, named
Chiropractor of the Year 2018 for SERVING with Pride the for GIVING with Passion and for LOVING a Principle, |
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Dr. Dan Tew, of Marietta, named
GCC 2017 Chiropractor of the Year...
Dr. Tew is a tireless, humble servant of the chiropractic profession, its principles, the people of his community, and the GCC. The award was presented to him by GCC President, Dr. Brian Lieberman. Following the presentation of the award, Dr. Dan was welcomed into the GCC Hall of Fame by previous recipients and received the GCC Hall of Fame medal.
for SERVING with Pride the for GIVING with Passion of one’s self and for LOVING a Principle, |
Kevin Hay, DC - 1969-2017
It is with the deepest sorrow that we inform you that our beloved colleague, and long time GCC member, Dr. Kevin Hay, passed away on September 19 after a long battle with cancer.
Please consider a donation to the family in honor of our brother in chiropractic. He leaves behind a loving wife and 6 beautiful children who can use whatever help you can afford. Click here to donate:
for SERVING with Pride the for GIVING with Passion of one’s self and for LOVING a Principle,
Dr. Tim Langley, of Marietta, named GCC 2015 Chiropractor of the Year...
Dr. Langley is a tireless, humble servant of the chiropractic profession, its principles and the people of his community. The award was presented to him by last year's recipient, Dr. Drew Henderson. Following the presentation of the award, Dr. Tim was welcomed into the GCC Hall of Fame by previous recipients and received official congratulations from GCC President, Dr. Awais Butt.
The inscription on the plaque presented to Dr. Langley reads as follows:
Chiropractor of the Year 2015 for SERVING with Pride the for GIVING with Passion of one’s self and for LOVING a Principle, |
Dr. Drew Henderson, of Murrayville, Georgia was named GCC 2014 Chiropractor of the Year by the Membership of the GCC.
Dr. Henderson is a tireless, humble servant of the chiropractic profession, its principles and the people of his community. The award was presented to him by last year's recipient, Dr. Bobby Braile . The inscription on the plaque reads as follows:
Chiropractor of the Year 2014 for SERVING with Pride the for GIVING with Passion of one’s self and for LOVING a Principle, |
GCC outgoing President, Dr. Bobby Braile, of Marietta Georgia was named GCC 2013 Chiropractor of the Year by the Membership of the GCC.
Dr. Braile is a tireless servant of the chiropractic profession, the principles and the people of his community. The award was presented to him by last year's recipient, and new GCC President, Dr. Awais Butt. The inscription on the plaque reads as follows:
Chiropractor of the Year 2013 for SERVING with pride the for GIVING with passion of one’s self and for LOVING a principle, |
GCC Founder, Dr. Sid E Williams, Dies
Dr Sid E. Williams passed away early Thursday morning. While our profession has lost the greatest chiropractic champion of our lifetime, we should all feel privileged to have lived in the time of the “Defender of Chiropractic.
Dr Sid was the founder of the Georgia Council of Chiropractic. He guided the GCC and the early leaders through the formative years. He mentored many of us in preparation for leadership, giving us the strength and direction to carry on the work. Although we will all miss him, he gave us our vision and our marching orders.
The work of defending the principles of chiropractic now falls to us. Before his passing, BJ Palmer instructed us about the principle of chiropractic when he asked us to “guard it well”. Now with the passing of Dr Sid, we must remember that he told us to “Keep on Keepin on".
In Memory of our Leader,
Dr. Bobby Braile, President GCC
Website: http://www.mayeswarddobbins.com/obituaries/Sidney-Williams2/#/Obituary
Dr Awais Butt named Georgia Council of Chiropractic 2012 "Chiropractor of the Year"
GCC Board member, Dr. Awais Butt, of Douglasville Georgia has been named the GCC 2012 Chiropractor of the Year by the Membership of the GCC.
Dr. Awais is a tireless servant of the chiropractic profession, the principles and the people of his community. The inscription on the plaque reads as follows:
Chiropractor of the Year 2012
is awarded to
Dr. Awais Butt
for SERVING with pride the
Georgia Council of Chiropractic
and the Chiropractic profession,
for GIVING with passion of one’s self
above and beyond expectations,
and for LOVING a principle,
a profession and the people.